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Laurence Roulleau Berger participe au workshop « Brokerage, migration routes and human mobilities », organisé par l’Asia Research Institute de l’Université nationale de Singapour et l’Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du sud-est contemporaine (IRASEC)

18 janvier 2024, à Singapour


Laurence Roulleau Berger est sociologue, directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS, directrice de l’IAL "Post-Western Sociology in Europe and in China".

Elle présentera, dans le cadre du panel 1 de ce workshop, une communication intitulée :
« Chinese Migrants, Transnationalisms and Intermediate Spaces »

In Chinese cities, local cosmopolitanism is produced through economic negotiations, exchanges and dealings between Chinese migrants and international entrepreneurs. Economic networks link other cities in the Asia region, stretching to cities in the Middle East, in Africa and in Europe across interconnected intermediate spaces. The demultiplication of migratory routes of transnational entrepreneurs and retail traders make it possible to map the pathways of non-Western economies. Local and transnational markets are based on multi-ethnic labour apparatuses—and also on Muslim cosmopolitanism—which emerge through partnerships between Chinese, Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian nationals, among others. The migratory routes of the new Chinese young ‘elites’ and traders within the international space, as well as those of ‘discredited’ populations, and the increasingly visible presence of Chinese entrepreneurs in different countries actively contribute to a proliferation of new economic, symbolic, religious arrangements, producing intermediate spaces that are neither exclusively national nor exclusively global. Thereby, we have distinguished :

  • transnationalism from above with the training of young migrants who belong to the new Chinese middle classes or new international elites ;
  • intermediate transnationalism in Chinese ethnic commerce and entrepreneurship ;
  • transnationalism from below with the appearing of new Chinese “hobos”, the forgotten ones of globalisation.
    Chinese migrants are producing polygamic biographies where biographical crossroads linked to migration and re-migration open onto a diversity of multi-situated mobility spaces and a kaleidoscope of aspiration. Polygamic migratory biography do characterize what I have called a compressed Individual.

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